โฝStats Page
Users can see data related to the connected address, as well as selected global values.
Last updated
Users can see data related to the connected address, as well as selected global values.
Last updated
Using the UI, here is what users can read under Stats page:
Total Points
Total amount of points that are collected by the connected wallet.
Rank of the wallet compared to the other wallets, sorted from highest amount of points accumulated to lowest amount of points accumulated.
Current Assets
converttoAssets(): Balance of the users in terms of underlying asset.
Collateral amount that is currently in the vault for the connected address.
Current reward amount that is in the vault for the connected address.
fToken Balance
balanceof()=Number of shares that are held by the connected address.
All Time Assets
All time supplied amount for the connected address.
Realised withdrawals of the connected address throughout the time.
Total amount of rewards/interest occured by the connected wallet over time. This calculation can be better explained with:
Daily Vault Profit
Profit & loss balance of the vault for the given day. Day is defined as 00:00 to 00:00 of the next day.
Wallet Transactions
List of supply & withdraw events of the connected wallet with datestamp & explorer hyperlink of the respective transaction. User can sort the list from most recent to least recent or vice versa.